Thursday, June 14, 2012

For the Love of All Good Distractions

Good grief! It really has been a long time since I last blogged. I have to say I've been rather busy.

So, where to start? Let's see. The dossier finally got sent to Hong Kong. About 6 weeks later ( 2 weeks ) ago we received a ton of questions from the HK government. Most of them were very well thought out. With that being said, I practically had to write an essay to answer the questions they asked.

One of the questions read, "Explain to us in concrete terms how you understand his diseases and what you are doing to prepare yourselves for them". Whew! So basically, I had to take each of his illnesses one by one, explain to them how I understood it, and what we were planning to do to best treat these illnesses.

Most of his "diseases" are life long that he'll just have to learn to live around. It just comes down to finding the right physician to help manage them.

Our sweet pediatrician wrote a fantastic letter explaining that she had reviewed his charts with us and that we knew what we were getting ourselves into. It was really a glowing referral, and I am so very thankful to Dr. Khan for that.

There were also many questions about finances. Oh joy! I deferred to David for that. It should be relatively easy to show why we had way more money in the fall than we do in the spring, mainly because it belongs to Bethany now. But, of course, nothing is easy. For some reason everyone wants proof ;0)

About 2 weeks later we had answered all their questions to the best of our abilities. Now we are praying that that is good enough for the Hong Kong government. The next step is getting the referral which is, as I understand, the approval from the Hong Kong gov't that we can adopt their kid. Once they give us that, we'll get our travel dates, Lord willing.

Please pray for expediency. This waiting process is quite difficult for me. Most of the time I am either impatient, mad, gloomy, irritated, or all of those at the same time. I should be resting in God's peace and perfect timing. But unfortunately, most of the time I do not.

I did beg the Hong Kong specialist for information about my baby. Glory Hallelujah! We got some news! He is now walking and speaking in full sentences, albeit Cantonese. He is also reaching for tiny objects. I'll take that to mean his vision is not as bad as I had feared. Woo Hoo!

I found out the name of his primary care giver is Stella. She is holding my baby in her arms and teaching him how to love. From everything that I've read, the orphans that have a caregiver that they bond with have an easier time bonding to their family. Please pray for Stella as only the body of Christ can!

So, there's the adoption update in a nutshell. I hope I have new news soon.

Oh, and there's been this little thing called VBS that has been going on this week. I'm the director. Praise the Lord for fruitful distractions!

The kids are having a blast! We've got two extra kids going with us, one of which is un-churched. Please pray  that through VBS and gospel presentation God will draw her to Him. That would be amazing!

Now, I will be completely unproductive and go take a nap. Peace out!