Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Calvin!

Today is Calvin's 12th birthday. It is hard to believe he could be that old. Unfortunately, he woke up coughing again. I started the steroids a few days ago but it seems to be taking longer for the cough to subside. So, since John had to have his very first doctor appointment in "Uh-mer-ee-ka" I figured I'd drag Calvin along with.

Calvin's diagnosis: sinus infection. Oh well, at least we know. John's diagnosis: double ear infection. Ugh, well that explains the slight fever and runny nose. And let me tell you, home boy does not like his ears looked at. My mild mannered three year old morphed into a crazy beast when they tried to look at his ears. Apparently the tubes aren't working so well.

On top of that it is hard to get a vein on John to draw blood from. There were 5 of us (including me) trying to hold him, albeit lovingly, to draw blood. He broke my heart. In the end, they only got about 1/2 vial. We were written a prescription to go to Scottish Rite to get the blood drawn.

I guess I haven't written about our flight home. John did so well. He didn't cry the whole time. His main focus was on making sure he was buckled and that everyone around him was buckled too. Once he got tired of the seat belt he played with my Chapstick. He's just a happy little boy.

We were all exhausted when we got home Friday night. I think John may have slept about 5 of the 24 hours we were traveling. He was beat. We've mostly recovered from the extensive travel except for the fact that I turn into a pumpkin about 9pm. I just can't go any further.

I would like to thank everyone for praying for us and I ask that you continue during this transitional period of our lives. It was hard for me to pray on the trip since I was sick and constantly going. Not to mention being overwhelmed trying to get back into the groove of taking care of a toddler with medical issues. I appreciate knowing that y'all were praying on our behalf.

David's grandfather passed away this past Saturday. He had been battling pancreatic cancer for about 5 months. His body just finally gave out. We'll be laying him to rest on Wednesday.  I think I speak for the family when I say that we are glad that he is now at peace and with Jesus. Cancer is an awful way to die.

On that happy note, I'll leave you for now. Talk to you soon.


  1. Julie,
    Thank you for the post. I will continue to pray for your entire family and for transition. It must be good to be home.
    Also, when my Sam(who has Ds)was young and had to have blood drawn it was always awful as it was difficult to find a vein, then someone shared with me to make sure he was full of fluids before going for lab draws. Apparently the fluids pump up the veins. This has worked miracles for Sam and blood draws don't phase him anymore. Maybe it would work for John too.

  2. I'll second the fluids idea. I have small veins and I have to drink lots of water before a blood draw....even a fasting one. For Lyric we also had to request a papoose board for the blood draws. She is VERY strong... So it was helpful and I could concentrate on comforting and distracting her rather than holding her down and wearing us all out! Welcome home!!!!
