Monday, August 8, 2011


I did it again. I swore the kids wouldn't try out for a play this fall. I didn't want to deal with rehearsals, practicing lines, staging, tech week, and 3 weeks worth of plays. I wanted to take it easy. I wanted to enjoy swim lessons, home school group, piano, and even college football (yeah right).

But the email came in and we couldn't resist. It's good for the my introverted, un-socialized home school kids to stand in front of an audience and perform something...

In all seriousness, it is good for them to perform. Community theater is a great way for them to hone this skill. And the best part about it is it's free!

On a side note, this is the skirt I found for Holley Kate at Target (see earlier post). Isn't it pretty and not "hoochie looking" like most of the clothes on the racks theses days???

Anyway, HK decided to dress up real girly so she would have a better chance of getting the role of girl. The last two plays she's been in she's been cast as a boy. Not that we're ungrateful, mind you, she just wants to be cast as a girl. Imagine that!

We'll find out on Wednesday what if any parts they've gotten. Keep your fingers crossed!

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