Any-hoo... when I moved to Atlanta to go to school I had to get used to the sound of car horns, ambulances, and the occasional police helicopter. While I had , of course, heard these sounds before (except for the police helicopter which is terrifying) just not in this magnitude or this close up. It was rather unsettling for me to watch the local news and see the reporter right outside my apartment complex reporting on some horrific crime that had been committed right down the road. I went from dodging the deviant cow who had figured its way out of the fence to driving in bumper to bumper traffic on 285 going 70+ mph.
17 years later we occasionally get a glimpse of "home". Like tonight on our way home from Publix. There is a house across from our subdivision that is uninhabited. The wildlife have now claimed this property as their own, which is fine with us. We're just glad our kids are getting to see more than just strip malls and parking lots

Two fawns frolicking. You can't see their mom but she was having no part of us snapping pictures.

Aren't they pretty?

Their flags are up. Run babies! This was our sweet ending to a blessed Sabbath.
Isn't it great witnessing nature in action. We sat (last night) and watched the Mama and her two babies who ate our garden! LOL! Welcome to the bloggy world!