Sunday, August 21, 2011

Random Thoughts

1. Tomorrow is our official first day of school. The politicians in Georgia decided that children have to go to school at least 180 days a year and they have to do 4.5 hours of work a day. We do school year round. We take a week off for VBS, a week off for camp, a few days at Thanksgiving, & a week or two a Christmas. We get way more than 180 days a year. That just works better for us.

2. My husband's cousin died yesterday in a car wreck. She had a 16 year old, a 12 year, and 2 & 1/2 year old twins. Please remember them in your prayers.

3. David and I have been watching Mad Men on Netflix for a few weeks now. It is really growing on me. It is not nearly as action packed as 24 but still a good series. I usually feel like a need a shower to wash off all the smoke after I watch it though.

4. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about Governor Rick Perry. I dislike the idea that he mandated the Gardasil vaccine for sixth grade girls back in 2007 but I like that Texas has been teaching creation. I guess it all just comes down to voting for the lesser of the two evils.

5. I'd like Sarah Palin a lot more if she'd quit and stay at home with her kids.

6. We should get the estimate on the basement later this week.

7. My parents are coming up this weekend. Since the guest room in the basement flooded they'll be sleeping in one of the kid's rooms. I guess I'll need to make sure and get the crayons and Legos out of their beds before then.

8. I love the women in my church. They may not all carry concealed themselves but none of them care that I do. As a matter of fact, we are getting a group together to go target shooting. Ladies shoot free on Thursdays. Let me know if you wanna go with.

9. I ran into a friend at Publix. She works as a lunch lady at the country club of public high schools around here. She said one of the teenagers called her co-worker 2 words. One that starts with an "f" and one that starts with a "b". My friend was having none of this and put the girl in her place. I have to wonder how these children are being raised that they would even think about speaking to an adult in that way.

10. I went to a party last night with a whole bunch of my church buddies. I am so blessed to have such fabulous women in my life.

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