Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 2 in Hong Kong

Last night I fell asleep at 10pm which is waaaaaay early for me. And when I say I fell asleep, I mean I went completely unconcious. I think David and Holley Kate tried to call Calvin or something, but I was out. My body is so stinking confused. We are downing the coffee.

The good news is we got up early enough to get dressed for church and go out in search of a McDonalds. We really wanted to go to one of the bakeries we've heard so much about, but apparenty they aren't open on Sundays. The nerve of them!

McDonald's has all the normal breakfast foods that the states do along with some other very strange foods. I watched the woman next to me eat a breakfast soup that had an egg, sausage patty, noodles, and vegetables in it. Yack!

Speaking of which, I don't think I mentioned how everyone just sits together at the tables in restaurants  here. It was rather strange and somewhat uncomfortable in the beginning. I'm getting more used to it. I guess since we speak another language nobody feels the need to engage us in conversation. So we're sort of still sitting by ourselves. Maybe???

The church we went to today was pretty interesting. It was very different for us but not because it was a "Hong Kong" church. It was different from what we're used to simply b/c it was a non-denominational, contemporary service. The leader of the worship music was Chinese and did a fantastic job. They did the whole American contemporary service thing where they had the words to the songs on screens.

The sermon was on sex. Oh.My.Stars. Welcome to Hong Kong! They had asked for members to text their questions that they wanted answers but were too afraid to ask in person. The preacher and his wife sat on the stage and answered these questions. Y'all, I thought Holley Kate was going to DIE!! That of course made it all that much funnier to me.

This afternoon we took a bus up to The Peak which they say is the highest point in Hong Kong. Unfortunatey for us is was foggy and drizzly, so we weren't able to see very far. We rode one of those double decker buses up the mountain. I couldn't watch out the front of the bus. The roads were tiny and we were in the outside lane ( they drive on the opposite side over here). I'm pretty sure we were having to pull over so other buses could pass.

We're planning on going on the Star Ferry tonight. It's supposed to be a really cool place to watch the light show.

Oh, I almost forgot! One of the sweet ladies at the church told us some restaurants to go to that were more "normal" for Holley Kate. You know, I blame her for all this but I'm more than happy to accomadate her. After seeing the cooked chicken heads in the market next to our hotel I'm good with going to the American joints.

We meet John tomorrow! So excited and nervous! Thanks again for your prayers. We know that God ordained that John would be our son. That gives us peace in knowing we are doing the right thing. As crazy as it sounds, I'm not very nervous about meeting him. I'm just really looking forward to it. I pray that his heart is opened to us and that bonding can begin. That is the part that worries me. But good or bad, he's ours now.

Talk to y'all tomorrow!! Love you!


  1. This is so exciting! We're on pins and needles ... to think that while we sleep tonight, you'll be meeting your son! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! We are praying for a happy reunion and for the rest of the trip to go smoothly! <3

  2. Thanks for sharing your experiences there! I am so excited to make our own trip there and it's fun to experience it through you and the others who go ahead. It's going to be really funny because my husband is not one for crowds, lol!

    I hope you find some yummy places to eat and have a fantastic meeting tomorrow!


  3. Great to hear how things are going!!!! Remember they do have KFC, Outback, TGI Fridays and the Spaghetti House is good, too. There are several of those. Praying for you as you meet sweet John! He's awesome! Tell Janice "Hi!" For us!!

  4. Soo exciting! Can't wait to hear more.
    Jenice from the HK group

  5. We are so thankful for your updates as we hope to travel to our daughter in the new year (Marchish). We are also going through Bethany but the Chattanooga office as we are in North GA. Looking forward to following your posts!
    Charlie and Cilla from the HK Yahoo Group
